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Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd, the owner and administrator of website significantly emphasizes on private information protection of its customers and users and Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd and therefore, establishes a privacy protection policy so as to protect private information of all customers or users, if they visit its website and/or select to purchase products of Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd.

In addition, customers or users may visit the platform of the Company’s website or simply visit same without obligation to provide their personal information upon visiting. The information or status of visiting customers or users will not be divulged and the Company is unable to identify you while and during visiting the Company’s website unless the customers or users clearly express their intention by registering as users in the Company’s platform and login by using their username accounts and passwords only.

Data and contents in the website
Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd having recognized importance of its services in posting contents, statements and information on the Company’s website;, therefore, informs all users that entire all information, contents, alphabets, images, audio, trademarks, service marks and any signage appeared therein are intellectual property and under the exclusive ownership of the Company. Whoever reproduces, copies, alters, amends, counterfeits, publicly disseminates, sells, makes available for rent or performs any act, by whatsoever cause and without the Company’s prior written permission is considered as infringement against the Company’s intellectual property rights and will be prosecuted and penalized as prescribed by law.

Personal data storage
All data of customers or users registering on, including information pertaining to additional particulars (Inquiry Form), customers and users’ details of contact provided to the Company, namely; name, email address, information regarding purchase and sale of goods and/or any products made with the Company, as well as, information relevant to electronic financial transaction of customers or users are considered as personal data kept confidential by the Company. Such confidential information will not be disposed, transferred or divulged to the public.

The privacy of the customers or users is significant, their names or any other information will only be used for Company’s activities with their prior consents and will be stored for only limited time deemed appropriate and suitable by the Company, provided that it will not exceed duration prescribed by law (if any).

Unless disclosure of information is made to the Company’s affiliates and those supplying goods or products order by the customers or users via the Company’s website. In addition, the Company will use such information only for interest of future product offers or new products to the customers or users. The Company has its legally duties to be complied to disclose the information to legitimate government agencies, courts, or competent investigators.

In storing the customers or users’ upon their accounts user registration on the Company’s platform, the customers or users will inform following true, correct and complete information without misleading to be stored by the Company:

  • First name, last name
  • Delivery location
  • E-mail address
  • Contact number
  • Mobile number

Every visit to the Company’s website of customers or users, the Company’s server will register and record the automatically transmitted and this information includes:

  1. IP address of customers or users’ computers.
  2. The type of internet browser used by the customers or users’ type of browsers.
  3. Website accessed by the customers or users before logging into Hatari’s platform.
  4. Website visited by the customers and users on Hatari’s platform.
  5. Time consumed by the customers and users on the Company’s website and products or information searched by the customers and users on the platform, as well as, visiting time, day and other statistic data.

The personal data of the customer or users recorded by the company will be used for purposes within the following boundaries:

  1. The delivery of products or merchandises according to the order of the customer of user
  2. To improve information for the delivery of products or merchandise or for the case where the customer also wishes for additional services
  3. To deliver accessible news about products and merchandises as well as to inform customers of new products
  4. For administrative purposes such as issuing receipts and legally compliant accounting
  5. To monitor data and to send financial transaction data of the client or financial service user to verify online payment for products
  6. To improve the company’s internal processes as well as research for systems, products and services. In this case, personal data will be used with those of other individuals as well
  7. To keep track of the number of downloads and page views from the company’s website in order to improve or develop the site plan, design and content to better respond to the preferences of the customer of user

Moreover, the customers or users’ personal information collected by the Company will be used with consent or consent considered as being granted by the customers or users to following extent:

  1. Delivery of goods or products as per the customers or users’ purchase orders.
  2. Improvement of goods and products delivery information, as well as, where customers require other additional service.
  3. Notification of information regarding goods or products, as well as, the Company’s new goods or products and easy access.
  4. Administration, issuance of receipts and correct accounting entries record in compliance with the law.
  5. Inspection of information, customers or users’ financial transaction related information, verification of payment via online system.
  6. Development and improvement of internal processes of Company, research of systems related to merchandises or products and service of Company, as well as, joint use of information with other private information.
  7. Following up information download number from the Company’s website for developing and improving systems of plans and contents in the website meeting more customers and users’ demand.

In transmitting the customers and users’ information, the Company considers this will be on their voluntarily basis. However, where a written notice regarding their private information is served to the Company, the Company will cancel its service to the customers or users upon receipt of such notice. Nevertheless, where purchase order of any merchandises or product is made, the Company will cancel the customers or users’ information when no delivery is made or any ordered merchandise or product has not yet been dispatched from the Company.

Furthermore, where the customers or users have transmitted to the Company information of third party or juristic person not the customers or users’, the customers or users themselves will be responsible for such information. In case of any damages, the Company assumes no responsible in connection thereto and considers that the customers or users have been permitted by such third party or juristic person for transmitting such information to the Company.

Security of personal information of Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd has been established for e-commerce business purpose with security system for secured information storage and maintain private information of customers or services without losing information, as well as, security system to secure the information of customers or users completely registered as informed in the Company’s website and the Company will perform as follows:

  1. To limit access to private information
  2. To provide technology method to prevent unauthorized computer system access
  3. To delete private information of customers or users for security purchase when such information is no longer necessary for the Company’s business or in compliance with the law

The Company’s website applies a technology with security protection system for the customers and users’ information, namely, SSL Certificate, necessary for connecting to https:// 256-bit SSL Certificates for the encryption of data between the customers and the internet server.

SSL Certificates (Secure Socket Layer Certificates) is an accredit certificate of electronic security approved by the Certificate Authority for websites so as to certify security of data encryption and decryption.

As to a security system for transaction, the Company equips 256-bit SSL Certificates protocol system for encrypting information of the transaction transmitted via internet between the visitor’s internet browser and Hatari’s website.

Any private information sent into our server will be encrypted so as to prevent counterfeited information transmitted to Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd’s server and will not be verified, used or amended by a third party or other organizations.

Furthermore, in executing financial transaction via internet equipped with such security system up to date is considered as meeting the standard of this type of industry.

The Company reserves its right and assumes no responsibility for damages due to any software or hardware errors, attack of malicious persons, private data theft through hacking, loss or damage of data due to force majeure or any possible mistakes occur on the Company’s website in whatsoever case.

The customers or users may request the Company to delete their private information possessed by the Company in following cases:

  1. The customers or users believe it is no longer necessary for us to store such private information.
  2. The Company processed the private information consented by the customers or users and the customers or users intend to revoke such consent and no other cause for the Company to processed such private information again.
  3. The Company processes the customers or users’ private information with legitimate interest of the Company but the customers or users protest against such process with reason for such protest to enable the Company to evaluate whether or not such process and maintenance of such information is a conflict of interest with the Company.
  4. The customers or users do not want the Company to use their private information possessed by the Company for sale promotion, special offer, marketing information.
  5. The customers or users believe the private information possessed by the Company is used in violation against the law.
  6. The customers or users must give as much as reasons as possible in supporting their request so the Company will take them into its consideration whether the customers or users are entitled to request for deleting such information. Nevertheless, the Company may keep the customers or users’ private information with legitimate reasons, i.e. (as protest against claim in compliance with law or freedom of expression. In this regard, the Company will inform the customers or users or the customers or users acknowledge when their private information is deleted, the Company is unable to render its service to them in compliance with original standard because the Company does not know the customers or users’ requirement.

The customers or users have access to the password for logging into the Company’s website or the customers or users must keep confidential their login names and passwords and log out every time from leaving the website because of no perfect security system for internet transmission, the Company, thus, cannot guarantee the security for transmitting-receiving electronic information from the customers of users.

The customers or users must be careful to not cause damage to the Computer’s computer system or others’ and to refrain from any act within scope of criminal, impair of peacefulness, as well as, not perform an act causing damage to society and economy of Malaysia and not access any information on the Company’s website and/or computer network service on the Company’s website without permission of Company or website’s owner.

Where the customers or users commits any acts causing damage to the Company’s website and/or the website of others in whatsoever case, the customers or users agree to be responsible for entire occurred damage in all respects, as well as, expenses on remedy, compensation and damages to injured persons without the Company’s joint-responsibility in any respect.

Contacting Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd
Where the customers or users want to contact, inquire, give recommendations or request for technical assistance, please contact the Company as provided in the Company’s website.

The customers or users of of Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd unconditionally accepts service agreement (conditions of service) under the discretion in selling the Company’s products and merchandises. The Company reserves its right to make additions, amendments and alteration to the conditions for the sale of products or merchandises appeared on the Company’s website to update them all the time and Company assumes the customers or users agree with the amended service conditions as well.

The customers or users’ visit and download information from the Company’s website is not considered as transfer of title nor assignment of any right. The customers or users will not acquire commercial or business benefits from the information downloaded from the Company’s website.

Qualifications of customers or users

  1. The customers or users attest to reach legal age in all respects and are eligible for entering into juristic acts as per Civil and Commercial Code.
  2. The customers or users agree to provide true, correct, complete and up to date information. Where such information is not true as such or in contrary to the law, the Company will consider the customers or users’ status is inapplicable and entirely void. The Company reserves its right not to enter into any act with the customers or users in transaction as aforementioned.
  3. Correctness of contents, information, number of merchandises on of Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd is complete and reliable for entering into transaction. Nevertheless, in case of wrong content and/or information or clerical error or miscalculation of cost or processing error or inaccuracies or electronic fault, The Company, at its earliest, will correct same as it deems appropriate and practical, provided that it reserves its right as follow:
  4. The content, information and stock number on Hupson Industries Sdn Bhd’s are accurate, complete and reliable for electronic commercial transactions. However, if the content and/or information or print is faulty, if the cost calculation is wrong or if there are any process or electronic faults or inaccuracies, the Company will make amendments as it sees fit as soon as the possible. The Company reserves the rights to the following:
      1. To cancel request, offer or purchase order of merchandise or any product already indicated.
      2. To amend the mistake or omission or inaccuracy.
      3. To amend the purchase and sale price, statement, content, promotion offer, merchandise description or products or specifications of merchandise or product or other information.

        Moreover, as to the aforementioned disclaimers, the Company has no obligation to prior, as well as, thereafter inform of such amendment to the customers or users who have already entered into transaction by placing purchase orders of merchandises or products or the merchandises or products have been delivered and received.

        In addition, the Company reserves the right to limit the number of products after the customers or users have already placed purchase orders of merchandises or products or purchase orders of merchandises or products have been accepted, as well as, requests for suspension or cancellation or promotion all the time without prior notice for merchandises or products displayed on the website at such time or any time, the Company will not assure or guarantee availability or number of such merchandises or products.

In transmitting of customers or users’ information, messages, recommendations, comments, criticism including information based communication posted on the Company website by the customers or users must not infringe, insult or abusive, use impolite statement nor defame a third party nor infringe copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, any other intellectual property of others, the customer or users will be responsible for such acts and pay damages and compensation to injured persons on their owns. The Company, its directors, executives, staffs and website administrator does not involve in any part of such acts of customers and users indicated in the first paragraph.

In connecting to a third party’s website, where the Company connects and appears in other website or the customers or users have entered into e-commerce transaction in connection with the Company’s merchandises or products on the other’s website, the customers or users accept the Company does not approve nor control those websites of others and it, thus, has no responsibility for accuracy, content, legal correctness and the customers and users accept they cannot refer or interpret that the websites of others have been approved or permitted by the Company’s website or already approved by the Company.

Limitations, suspension of the company website

  1. As to international service, the Company does not assure the merchandises or products offered on the Company website are suitable or meeting the customers or users’ necessity outside Malaysia nor be responsible for compliance with the local laws of each country.
  2. The Company’s website does not participate in other websites or a third party that may also sell or advertise the Company’s merchandises or products. The Company reserves its right to invalidate and void services, return of merchandises or products or other policy in connection with the Company’s merchandises or products distributed by unauthorized seller or distributor or third party not.
  3. The Company is entitled to alter or temporarily suspend or cease to use all or part of website any time or with any reason as the Company unilaterally deems appropriate without notice or consent from the customers or users.
  4. Any time or it is doubtful to the Company that there may be a fraudulent conduct from e-commerce transaction on the Company’s website and the customers or users have been informed on the website to cease or refrain from any act to access the Company’s website, the customers or users’ status in such circumstance will be cancelled and rejected and no longer guarantee is granted to the services and products.
  5. As to amendment of terms and condition of service, the Company reserves its right to make amendments, alterations and additions any time without any prior notice to the customers or users and the customers or users accept every amendment, alteration and addition to the Company’s website.

The Company accepts returned merchandises or products only for specific merchandises or products indicated on under following limitation and conditions of returned products or merchandises.

  1. The return of merchandises or products ordered through the Company’s website is only eligible under time related condition set forth in Clause 3; and within the time frame indicated in section 3, and
  2. The returned merchandises or products must be duly packed in the Company’s packages, and
  3. On the day the customer or user or representative signs to receive the merchandises or products and find damage, they will inform a deliveryman along with a picture showing damage as evidence and expeditiously send to the company the merchandise or product with picture showing damage within not later than 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of merchandise or product; and
  4. As to return of merchandise or product within prescribed time under Clause 3, following steps must be taken by the Customers or Users:
      1. To fill in return form of merchandise or product and attached a file of picture of merchandise or product.
      2. The returned merchandise or product must be shipped in its original package.
      3. A proof of purchase “tax invoice form” must be enclosed in the package.
      4. The customers or users will take following steps of return of merchandise or product by using return form of merchandise
          1. Fill in form with picture file of merchandise or product
          2. Wait for contact and confirmation regarding return of merchandise from Company’s staff
          3. Pack the merchandise or product in the original package along with “tax invoice form”
          4. Return the merchandise to Hatari at the place indicated in Clause 6
      5. Where it is impossible to use merchandise return form, the customer or user may contact the customer service department at 03-80691941 / 016-2276065. 
  5. The customer or user must dispatch the returned product or merchandise to the Company by express postal service (EMS). Person responsible for transporting the merchandise or product to the Company will refer to the table in Clause 8. In addition, in shipping the new merchandise or product to the customer or user, in compliance with the particulars set forth in merchandises condition and within prescribed time, merchandises period, the Company will be responsible for return shipping cost to the customer or user. Anyhow, where the customer or user is at fault but subject to the conditions of merchandises of merchandise or product, the customer or user must be responsible for return shipping cost of merchandise or product.
  6. The address or party receiving the returned merchandise or product is the Customer Service Department, No 8, Jalan Puteri 5/6, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
  7. The Company will not accept return of product or merchandise due to damage from misused or request for change of color or misunderstanding of qualification of merchandise or product or dissatisfaction with merchandise or product.
  8. In accepting return of merchandise or product, the Company will change to a new product based on same model, type and color only.
  9. All goods sold are non refundable.

The Company’s website includes various image of merchandises and products, contents, all statements, information appeared in this website does not grant any warranty or guarantee at all regarding:

  1. No mistake of information on the website
  2. No interference or error of website operation
  3. No virus or hazardous component on this website or services

The Company reserves its right to guarantee against accuracy of content and any information on the Company’s website because they may have error in performance of person and/or electronic. Furthermore, the Company hereby reserves its right to directly or indirectly responsible for entering into contract or any agreement due to mistake of content and information appeared on

The Company will not generally warrant or guarantee against the merchandises or products as follows:

  1. Damage caused by misuse of merchandises or products, non-compliance with procedures of use, manual, recommendations, falling, improper maintenance or negligence or intention, as well as any other cases making the Company considers and concludes that the merchandise or product is not under good maintenance as a person of ordinary prudence would take care of same type of merchandise or product.
  2. The merchandise or product damaged from accident, fire, natural disaster or transportation of merchandise or product.
  3. General wear and tear based on useful life of merchandise or product or damage from continuing over use than as prescribed in the manual, improper storage causing rust, stain, as well as, from any act of humans, animals, insects, etc.
  4. The merchandise or product has been already repaired, modified, break opened by others or jointly used and/or attached with other equipment not recommended in written by Hatari.
  5. No evidence, certificate of warranty of merchandise or product is presented along with the merchandise or product on the date of delivery for reparation or fixing.
  6. Any amendment or addition is made to the certificate of warranty of merchandise or product.
  7. The Company has considered the merchandise or product of any type and deems that it is not suitable for warranty due to deception or illegal acts presented to the Company.


Conditions of warranty of merchandises or products

  • The customer or user must present a receipt or copy of receipt when the Company requests for proof of warranty period. The merchandise or product with LOT number of production on the merchandise or product and it is clearly legible.
  • The guarantee will cover only the merchandises or products purchased within Malaysia and services under the warranty will be processed by service centers located in Malaysia only.
  • From the date of receipt or deemed as being received onwards until completion of 30 (thirty) days (warranty of merchandise or product; spare part type) or until completion of 1 (one) year (warranty of merchandise or product; finished product type as indicated in the certificate of warranty), the certificate of warranty will be inserted in the package of merchandise or product and is the warranty for regular use only. Where the standards are not in compliance with those labeled on the merchandise or product, no service fee is charged for repairing and fixing the merchandise and product within such warranty period.
  • In case of damage, defect or misuse or modification of merchandise or product not from normal use or substandard as per label attached to the merchandise or product, only customer or user will bear an expense, service fee for reparation although the warranty period is still valid or the warranty period already expired.
  • After the expiration of warranty period of merchandise or product as prescribed, the customer or user accepts that the Company is not at all responsible for merchandise or product.
  • In the case where the merchandise or product has been amended, varied, repaired at substandard part and it is unusable, unfinished during such warranty period, the duration indicated in the warranty period will be unchanged and still the same and the period is only counted from the delivery date of product onwards. It is not considered as an extension of duration or restart of counting from alteration, change or reparation of merchandise or product in any respect.

Hatari’s products are designed and produced by components from suitable recycled and reused materials.

Do not dispose electric products, electronic products and batteries with mercury component together with general household wastes.

Please comply with stipulations governing garbage demolition of each locality and proper eliminating methods.

Correct and proper disposal and eliminating unused products will reduce adverse impact on health and environment.